
23 thoughts on “How to Make a Queen Anne’s Lace Ring

  1. mazzymitchell@instructables.com says:

    Wow, so pretty! That takes flower power to the next level! Oh, and hey guys! You should check out my website, Loom For The Homeless. URL: loomforthehomeless.webstarts.com
    I’ve got tutorials, a blog, and in the future, I’ll be able to sell bracelets! Thanks for visiting if you do! And Loom Love, if you check it out, please tell me what you think. I started it in February, and I want to hear your opinion on my small website.

  2. mazzymitchell@instructables.com says:

    Hey Loom Love! I ‘Love’ the design! Great job! Oh, and, you should check out my website. It’s got tons of cool stuff. And you should check out instructables.com.
    I have an account on it that’s really cool. And who knows, one day you might be asking to do a tutorial on my designs. 😉 Bye, I hope you like them.

  3. Loom crazy says:

    I love this bracelet I would make it but no time I am in rush now and it’s been rainy for the past weekend I have too unplug the drain in the street and I am having these horrible headaches and it’s been really hard to do everything in so little time of fun and responsibilitys well thanks for this video have a great day

    P.S I will look at your website mazzy Mitchell thanks


  4. Loom crazy says:

    Oh and it’s ok to leave you family’s voice in the videos you aren’t making the bracelets/charms at that time most of the time well at least in this video
    Thanks again

  5. Ryeli says:

    Its beautiful! I need to get some ‘C’ clips. You might want to start thinking about editing out the part where your dad is talking, it is kind of embarrassing in the middle of a loom band tutorial.

  6. Amanda says:

    It works awesome with s-clips too, in my opinion it gets even better with the s-clips ? But it’s just as beautiful with the c-clips

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